Proper configured Texniccenter for dvi , dvi > ps and dvi > ps > pdf output.
Kde for Windows with Okular.
Latex->DVI profile,
- Latex ribbon, Arguments for compiler:
--src -interaction=nonstopmode "%Wm" -synctex=-1 - Viewer ribbon:
Application path > C:\ProgramData\KDE\bin\okular.exe
Command Line Arguments: '%bm.dvi#src:%l %Dc/%nc' --unique
Search in output: '%bm.dvi#src:%l %Dc/%nc' --unique
Do not close
Extension to PS and PDF should be straightforward.
Okular reverse search:
Setting > Configure Okular > Editor:
- Dropdown box: Custom Text Editor
- Command:"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeXnicCenter\TEXCNTR.exe" /ddecmd "[goto('%f', '%l')]"
Note that you have to adjust the paths, e.g. "c:\..." to your custom installation.