Monday, December 20, 2010

Windows7 / Vista / Server2008 unidentified network

Although a network consisting of a switch and 2 computers would be considered as very private, Win7(aso.) will consider it as unidentifiable and will not allow you to set the network to private.
Here's a howto on solving this issue:

1. Start –> run –> MMC –> press enter

2. In MMC console , from menu file select Add/Remove Snap-in

3. Select Group Policy Object editor –> Press Add –> select Local computer –> press OK –>press OK

4. Open Computer configration –>Windows Settings –>Security Settings –>select Network list manager policies
on the right Side you will see options:
double click –>Unidentified networks

5. Then you can select the option to consider the Unidentified networks as private and if user can change the


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