Friday, November 19, 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Docker config Portainer

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Docker add Portmapping in existing Container

 Just got this from:


If you run docker run <NAME> it will spawn a new image, which most likely isn't what you want.

If you want to change a current image do the following:

docker ps -a

Take the id of your target container and go to:

cd /var/lib/docker/containers/<conainerID><and then some:)>

Stop the container:

docker stop <NAME>

Change the files

vi config.v2.json

"Config": {
    "ExposedPorts": {
        "80/tcp": {},
        "8888/tcp": {}
"NetworkSettings": {
"Ports": {
     "80/tcp": [
             "HostIp": "",
             "HostPort": "80"

And change file

vi hostconfig.json

"PortBindings": {
     "80/tcp": [
             "HostIp": "",
             "HostPort": "80"
     "8888/tcp": [
             "HostIp": "",
             "HostPort": "8888"

Restart your docker and it should work.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Ubuntu 20.04 sd card to usb drive complete move Raspi4

 So far the only suitable guide for moving an existing ubuntu 20.04. installation completely to USB boot:

Sunday, August 8, 2021

influx Install and backup/move

 Influx install:

Influx Backup:

Also ich mache mein Backup von der normalen Linux Kommandozeile aus und nicht unter der Influxdb-Konsole...

Das schaut dann so aus bei meiner Datenbank die iobroker heißt:

root@DietPi:~# sudo influxd backup -portable -database iobroker -host /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup
2020/05/10 20:28:39 backing up metastore to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/meta.00
2020/05/10 20:28:39 backing up db=iobroker
2020/05/10 20:28:39 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=49 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00049.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:40 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=50 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00050.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:40 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=51 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00051.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:40 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=52 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00052.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:41 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=53 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00053.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:41 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=54 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00054.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:42 backup complete:
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.meta
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s49.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s50.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s51.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s52.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s53.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s54.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.manifest

Vorher muss aber die Influxdb.config bearbeitet werden...:

Hatte mich damals hiernach gerichtet und entsprechend meinen Anforderungen umgesetzt...:

Einen Restore hatte ich auch schon gemacht - ging problemlos.

Recently I got an error on influxdb. The log file was not clearly stating an error. But Health target was not reached. Starting the service stated to read the error log, journalctl -xe .

Finally I saw the config pattern:

LimitNOFILE=65536 which basically could limit the number of files the service oder user??? can occupy.

After commenting with # . The service starts succesfully.

This is not due to the case having more than 65k open, but perhaps in contradiction to system limits .

This solved my issues on ubuntu but not on my original raspbian.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

ESP2866-01 Wiring

 Some ESP8266-01 Boards need the Ping CH_PD pulled, high, otherwise it is in rest mode.

Pulled high means putting a 10kOhm resistor between CH_PD and VCC.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Tasmota Time settings

 ntpserver1 yourntpgoeshere

Germany: Timezone 99

Sunday, May 23, 2021

ESP8266 via MQTT Iobroker

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Grafana View Collection

 Internet Connection View:

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Information on Linux systems live

 Process overview: top, htop, nmon

Disk/read/write: iotop -o -b -d 10