Sunday, August 8, 2021

influx Install and backup/move

 Influx install:

Influx Backup:

Also ich mache mein Backup von der normalen Linux Kommandozeile aus und nicht unter der Influxdb-Konsole...

Das schaut dann so aus bei meiner Datenbank die iobroker heißt:

root@DietPi:~# sudo influxd backup -portable -database iobroker -host /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup
2020/05/10 20:28:39 backing up metastore to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/meta.00
2020/05/10 20:28:39 backing up db=iobroker
2020/05/10 20:28:39 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=49 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00049.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:40 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=50 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00050.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:40 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=51 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00051.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:40 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=52 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00052.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:41 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=53 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00053.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:41 backing up db=iobroker rp=autogen shard=54 to /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/iobroker.autogen.00054.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2020/05/10 20:28:42 backup complete:
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.meta
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s49.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s50.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s51.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s52.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s53.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.s54.tar.gz
2020/05/10 20:28:42 /tmp/iobroker_influx_backup/20200510T182839Z.manifest

Vorher muss aber die Influxdb.config bearbeitet werden...:

Hatte mich damals hiernach gerichtet und entsprechend meinen Anforderungen umgesetzt...:

Einen Restore hatte ich auch schon gemacht - ging problemlos.

Recently I got an error on influxdb. The log file was not clearly stating an error. But Health target was not reached. Starting the service stated to read the error log, journalctl -xe .

Finally I saw the config pattern:

LimitNOFILE=65536 which basically could limit the number of files the service oder user??? can occupy.

After commenting with # . The service starts succesfully.

This is not due to the case having more than 65k open, but perhaps in contradiction to system limits .

This solved my issues on ubuntu but not on my original raspbian.

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