Still, this annoys me and I came up with a workaround for Windows:
You need:
- Cygwin with sed installed
- Okular (any other dvi viewer should do fine)
Generate a build command in Kile-> Settings -> Configure Kile --> Build which is exactly the same as ForwardDVI.
Than change this new command to the following:
Command: cmd
Options: /c open_okular.bat '%target'
This should call the batch file open_okular.bat within the DOS CMD shell and pass along the string containing everything you need for doing forward search.
Now place the following DOS CMD script in your TEX Project Root folder:
FILE open_okular.bat
echo "Start"
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\programdata\kde\bin\;c:\cygwin\bin\;c:\Users\<username>\kderoot\bin\
echo %INPUT%
for /f %%a in ('echo %1 ^| sed.exe -e"s/ \.\///"') do set OUTPUT=%%a
@echo %OUTPUT%
okular.exe %OUTPUT% --unique
echo "End"
What the script does:
Line 2 updates your path so that okular.exe and sed.exe are known. Adjust paths appropriatley
Line 4 removes the " ./" in words: space dot slash; from the string and stores it in OUTPUT
Line 6 calls okular with the new string.
This should give you the forward search for Kile and Okular in Windows.
Adoptions to any other DVI viewer should be straight forward.
Adoptions to Linux should be easy as string manipulation is usually a lot easier.
Another workaround I came up is to give the full path to the latex compiler so it works with synctex. For that configured Kile the following way (partially based on your other post):
ReplyDeleteSettings->Configure Kile…->Build->PDFLatex
From dropdown menu choose: Modern
General: Command: pdflatex
Options: -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %dir_base/%source
Advanced: Type: Run Outside of Kile
State: Editor
Options: %dir_base/%source compile the file using full path (%dir_base = path of the source file without filename, and %source = file name with extension), -synctex=1: synctex on, -interaction=nonstopmode: standard
Settings->Configure Kile…->Build->ForwardPDF
General: Command: okular
Options: --unique: so no multiple instances of ocular, %absolute_taget
Advanced: Type: Run Outside of Kile
State: Viewer